Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tips for Stopping Smoking

Smoking is highly addictive

Many people start smoking when they are young and most usually in their teens. This is often a response to peer group pressure or in the misguided attempt to cultivate a particular image.

Smoking is dangerous and harmful

Smoking is the leading preventable cause of premature death and illness around the world. Its harmful effects take hold from the very first cigarette you smoke.

The fact that many smoking related illnesses and diseases take time to develop and show up makes this fact initially hard to take on board, nevertheless it is true.

Quitting smoking will improve your health

This is a fact and one that comes true from the very first day your quit. No matter how much damage you think you may have caused yourself by smoking if you stop now you will prevent more damage and see an improvement in your overall well being.

Commit yourself to being a non-smoker

Once you've made up your mind to be a non-smoker for yourself, you will achieve it.

Don't rely on willpower

Either you have or you don't have a strong enough reason to quit. Once you have a strong enough reason everything else about the quit will be easier.

Prepare to stop

Break the process of stopping into manageable parts:

  • Nicotine withdrawal
  • Breaking you habit, and
  • Coping with your new identity as a non-smoker

Understand each part and prepare a plan of strategies and distractions to help you cope with each of these areas. Once you have done that:

  • Get as much support as you can from family, friends, colleagues, helplines, support groups, your doctor, the Internet or whatever suits you most.
  • Ask you doctor or pharmacist about smoking cessation products, such as Nicotine Replacement Therapies, and be prepared to use them.
  • Set a date for quitting and then stick to it.

Stop and stay stopped

Be ready and prepared for problems that may crop up and have coping strategies planned for dealing with them that suit your needs.

Use medical support if you need it and remember to take one day at a time.

If you don't succeed

Try again and again and again if necessary. Eventually you will manage to quit.

Good Luck!

For more information on how to quit smoking without stress, contact http://tinyurl.com/326vkth

An Effective Quit Smoking Plan is All You Need

A quit smoking plan should be very well thought of to make sure you succeed in finally kicking the habit out the door. Most cigarette smokers who want to quit are concerned with nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Some of them even get intimidated with these that they just forgo the thought of quitting. They think it's better for them to just continue smoking than travel the long road to a cigarette-free life.

You should not be scared of cravings and withdrawal symptoms. These are part of the process. Cravings and withdrawal symptoms happen because your body is trying to adjust to the decreasing levels of nicotine in your circulation. These are normal occurrences. Having a quit smoking plan helps you prepare yourself for the process. Following a plan keeps you on the right track and reduces any risks of giving up.

Think and act
Your actions are the reflections of your thoughts. If you want to stop smoking, start by thinking about it. The only thing that should be in your head in terms of smoking is that you want to stop. Don't think about cravings or withdrawal symptoms or if you can do it. Just focus on the thought that you want to quit and do it. Talk to other people about your plans or write it on a journal. The more you think about it, the more it will be easier for you to do.

Ask for advice, suggestions and tips
If you have friends who were once smokers, ask how they did it. Be inspired by their stories. Search online for smoking cessation products that you can use. Look for support groups. The more available information and support you have, the better.

Modify Your Lifestyle
A quit smoking plan is a life-changing decision. Expect that you might need to change some of your habits like drinking coffee while smoking. If you think you can't have coffee without a cigarette, then stop drinking coffee for a while too. If you think it will be hard for you to resist the urge to smoke when in the company of smokers, avoid hanging out with smokers until you are strong enough to resist the temptation of smoking with your friends.

There are a lot of things you can do to stop smoking. The best quit smoking planis to focus, have the motivation and commitment to reach your goal whatever it takes.

Reference: Jennifer Holland

The Benefits of Quitting Smoking - Use Hypnosis to Stop Smoking Now

For many people, the health benefits of quitting smoking serve as the biggest motivator for kicking the habit. There is no doubting the fact that smoking affects people's health in many different ways, and often smokers are driven to quit in order to alleviate these concerns.

The health benefits of quitting smoking start almost straight away, as after 20 minutes of not smoking blood pressure and the pulse rate decrease while the temperature in the extremities increases. After just eight hours of not smoking, carbon monoxide levels also go back to normal and the chances of a heart attack begin to decrease. The ability to taste and smell is also improved after a few days of not smoking.

After the first month or so of not smoking, some of the biggest and most noticeable health benefits of quitting smoking start to occur. These include:

- Improved lung function and capacity
- Increased circulation
- Physical addiction to nicotine broken

Although they are not as noticeable as some of the other health benefits of quitting, most of the important health improvements come in the years after quitting. After one year of stopping smoking the risk of a heart attack drops by half, while after up to fifteen years after stopping smoking:

- The stroke risk is reduced to that of people who never smoked
- The risk of lung cancer drops to half of that of smokers
- The risk of death and coronary heart disease is similar to those who have never smoked

After knowing these benefits of stopping smoking, will you decide to quit now?

Refence :Rui_Jiang

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Stop Smoking Naturally

If you are looking to stop smoking naturally you really need to focus on what you really want the outcome to be. As long as you know that at the end of the day you want to end up as a person who has butted out then go ahead and stop smoking naturally or any way you want.

Anyone who is serious about quitting the nasty habit of filling their body with poison needs to first take a long hard look in the mirror. If you think you will quit because someone asks or tell you to then sorry you will find that you are still smoking. The only way you will ever quit is by finally knowing and believing that you want to quit.

So what does it mean to actually give up the habit? It can actually mean a few different things in my eyes. Many people will think it is by using natural aids such as herbs and so forth. In many cases it very well may mean that. However when I talk about how to quit smoking naturally I mean natural.

To me if you are going to quit smoking naturally the only thing you really will be doing is using water and will power. To me that's what natural does. The will power will provide the determination while the water will provide the replacement for cigarettes.

I don't care who you are, what you smoke and how long you have been smoking it. If you have the will you will quit and that's all there is to it. Some people can stop smoking naturally while others will need a lot more help.

You want to look around as a smoker and realize just how quickly smokers went from being the majority to being the minority. As smokers we used to be able to light up almost anywhere. Hell taking that good old fashioned drag was the thing to do. Now it really isn't the thing to do anymore. The looks you get could turn water into stone.

Almost everywhere you go has turned against people who light up except maybe your vehicle, your house and a few outdoor venues. The sad thing is even the non smokers are fighting behind the scenes to make it illegal to even smoke in your own house. That would be the day I leave the country.

I am an ex smoker who did stop smoking naturally for the most part. I am not the kind of ex puffer that makes smokers lives hell though. I do believe in some of the rules like not allowing smoking in public places where children are present and so forth.

At the end of the day no one can deny the fact that the habit is terrible for your health so you really should be putting some thought into how you are going to stop smoking naturally.
In today's society it really is all about quitting smoking. Dale has recently successfully quit and would like to share as much as he can about quitting smoking and how he did it. You can check out his one blog at Quit Smoking Journey. Also check out his brand new site at http://stopthecigarettes.info/

Reference :  Dale_Mazurek

Quit Cigarettes in 60 Minutes

Do you think you are addicted to nicotine? And if you were not addicted do you think it would be easier to quit smoking?

So let's first define addiction. The type of addiction I want to talk about at the moment is physical addiction.

Firstly, who tells us that cigarettes are addictive?

I have an idea.... the media, the government, and the cigarette industry. And have these industry bodies ever lied to you before?

They are very certain that cigarettes are addictive, but I must share with you - thousands of people quit cigarettes every day, and not one of them experiences any kind of physical withdrawal symptoms that you would see in a normally addicting chemical like cocaine or heroin.

Remember, I am referring to the physical addiction. That is, the physical malfunction that a human body goes through when being deprived of a substance upon which they have become dependant.

No-one's body malfunctions when they stop smoking cigarettes.

In fact, think about it, how long can you go without a cigarette? Do you sleep at night? How many hours? Do you smoke in your sleep?

Have you ever witnessed someone suffering from withdrawals who are addicted to heroin or methamphetamines? It is not a pretty sight. People who are truly addicted to a chemical like heroin or meth cannot sleep through the night, they have to get up and take a hit, just to go back to sleep. No one does that with cigarettes.

Doesn't this make you wonder how addictive cigarettes really are?

You see, even with just looking at your own life you have demonstrated that cigarettes do not have the same addictive characteristics biologically that truly addictive drugs do. Now, I'm not into conspiracy theories or anything, but think about it, who benefits the most by us thinking that cigarettes are addictive?

Sure, you may suffer from headaches and crankiness but are they not simply irritations instead? Irritation and malfunction are not the same things. Irritations just cause discomfort... which is not a word used to describe the addictive withdrawals from any other truly addictive drug.

You've probably heard about people who contracted lung cancer from breathing in second-hand smoke. Now the nicotine and all the chemicals are strong enough to kill them, but they aren't strong enough to addict them. For years people breathed in all that nicotine but it didn't make them want to smoke.

So if it isn't a physical addiction, what is it?

It's a habit. Now it might sound a little trite to say it's just a habit, but it's probably one of the most powerful habits that exist.

When you wake up in the morning and you have that first cigarette you are reinforcing the habit of smoking. Then 20 times during the course of the day you are reinforcing the habit of smoking. Every time the hand goes up to the mouth, say about 10 times with each cigarette, so that's about 200 times a day, you are reinforcing the habit.

What else do you do 200 times a day?

Nothing, except breathe.
So it's a very powerfully conditioned habit.

The only way to stop smoking cigarettes is to just stop smoking cigarettes. And because it's just a habit, you can break it easily.

Once you decide that you want to quit cigarettes and smoking once and for all, the powerful combination of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis makes the process of quitting easier. It works like this.

We have two parts of the mind; the conscious and subconscious.

The conscious part of the mind thinks it is in control of everything. However, if it were we would all probably be dead because we would have forgotten to keep our lungs working, our hearts beating and our cells dividing!

A habit begins in the conscious part of the mind and much like anything you do for the very first time; you have to "think" about it. Then you do it a few more times and before you know it, it becomes automatic and it's at this point that it has shifted from your conscious mind into your subconscious mind-the place that is the hub of you-your control panel if you like.

Now the Prime Directive of the subconscious mind is to protect you and usually people start smoking to avoid a negative feeling. So, because your subconscious mind wants to protect you, it has kept you using cigarettes because it thinks that the cigarettes are the protector from the negative feelings.

Little does the subconscious know that the cigarettes are actually killing you slowly!

With the powerful combination of NLP and Hypnosis, we can tap into this part of the mind that has you using cigarettes for what it thought was protection, and switch it around so that it now thinks it is protecting you by being a NON SMOKER.

It is a natural easy way to quit and with the Quit Cigarettes in 60 Minutes system, 95% of people quit in the first session!

Here are some facts:

Only 7% of smokers quit through willpower
10% quit through use of gum
16% quit through the use of nicotine patches

Not very high statistics are they? Which means that 84-93% of people fail to quit. This is because you are not addicted to nicotine, so there is no point giving you more nicotine, even if it is getting to you in another form. None of these techniques are effective because they do not address the source of the problem.

Reference :   Briony_Pettigrew